Friday, July 15, 2016

This is justified?!?!?!
In a country where driving while black is a crime in a few states, we read this story where police think using a weapon (and yes, a tazer is a weapon) that causes great harm to adults is justified to be used on a child.  I'm sorry, you have three able bodied police officers there... you couldn't have subdued this child without giving her a potentially lethal electric shock?  I know it's rare, but even in adults tazers have killed.  These police deserve to be sued.   What they did borders on criminal negligence not to mention endangering the welfare of a child.   I guess it was "justified" because she was native.   Ego knows, but police brutality, justified or not, needs to stop now... Not later, NOW!!!  Okay, my soapbox is over, but this is another rant post and that's why this blog is here.   Kind of like a text version of an angry YouTube post.  Thank you for reading.

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