Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What is wrong with you people?!?!

I'm not usually this angry, except when I'm really emotionally tired out, but this needs to be said.   Why can't anyone be happy minding their own business like they used to anymore?  After 9/11 this mentality of "see something, say something" has gotten out of hand, at least where it comes to the upbringing of a child or the child's parentage.   Who cares what color the child is, if she's well cared for what business is it of yours if the child is darker than either parent.   Our culture in this country has been so intermixed with other races it's not uncommon for a child to have darker skin.   Does that mean you should love them any less?  NO!  What business is it of yours how the child is being taken care of if it doesn't match how you take care of your kids?   Is the child healthy?  Is the child happy?  If the answer to both questions is yes, then keep your mouth shut!  Stop feeling like you need to call CPS or DCYF because according to you the child is being mistreated.   That's only your opinion so keep it to yourself.  Okay soapbox over and I feel better, but honestly mind your own business and everyone will be loads happier.

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